Acupuncture Consult & Treatment
60 MINUTES $125
Visit Dr. Brian Nell, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture Physician, to experience the ancient healing art of Chinese medicine. A consult and treatment appointment includes a full evaluation from Dr. Brian, and an accompanying healing plan to address any symptoms or concerns brought forward by the patient. Treatments may include acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, or moxibustion, along with Chinese dietary therapy and Chinese herbalism. This type of visit is a great full care coverage, providing holistic support for the entire body as well as preventative care and wellness.
Gua Sha, Cupping, or Moxa
30 MINUTES $75
Looking for relief from muscle pain or soreness? Want to try out the latest trends in non-Western medicine? These mini sessions focus on one particular type of supportive care providing an introduction to Chinese medicine that does not involve needles. Intended to address a specific challenge, these three different approaches can quickly support and improve a variety of physical ailments including pain, inflammation, and blood flow. This plan is particularly useful for sports injuries, trauma, and menstrual discomfort.
Auricular Therapy (Ear Seeds)
15 MINUTES $25
Experience the benefits of auricular (ear) therapy. Utilizing the ear as a microcosm of the entire body, we are able to affect change through acupuncture and ear seeds to specific points found in and around the ear. This particularly therapy is especially indicated for anxiety, stress and pain management, and can be supportive for releasing addictions including smoking, alcohol and drugs.
For reservations or information:
Dr. Brian is available M-F for treatments. Center hours are flexible and we work with your schedule to get you the healing treatments you need.