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Herbalism Classes with Misha

Discover the art of herbal healing and reconnect with nature’s wisdom. Learn to craft remedies, nourish your body, & harness the power of plants to support wellness and vitality.


Herbalism Offerings


Join our monthly herbalism program, Florida’s Fabulous Healing Herbs Club to learn all about how to work with plants and make medicine!

Florida’s Fabulous Healing Herbs Club (Second Sunday of the Month / 2 - 4 pm)

In this two hour hands on workshop, Registered Herbalist Misha will profile 2 to 4 biogregional herbs, plants that happily grow here in beautiful Southwest Florida, that can be found right here in your own backyard!

You will meet each plant, connecting with it and discovering its secrets. Participants will learn how to identify the plant in the wild, one of nature guide Misha’s special super powers is teaching plant ID, so she will help you feel confident to be able to find the plants later on your own too. Misha will share each plants’ medicinal and edible properties as well, helping you to learn how to work with them.


Florida Registered Herbalist Misha Nell leads a plant walk at Conservatory Park

Free Plants & People Edible & Medicinal Plant Walks

Did you know that the plants growing right outside your door can become a meal or medicine? Our beautiful and wild home state of Florida has a treasure trove of plant allies, providing an incredible array of plants that can help support our health and nourish us, something that the residents of the state have known since the most ancient of times. Join Misha on casual treks through Sarasota & Manatee County to learn all about our area’s resident herbal healers.